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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Illusionist Assembly, "Make Good Choices!"

Believe It or Not

By: Megan Sterner, “Royal Times”

On October 14, 2014, Brian Drake came to Wynford High School and performed magic tricks or illusions for our faculty and student body wanting to share a specific message. He did three different tricks that caught the student bodies attention. The illusion which caught the students attention the most was when he looked for a student volunteer to come forward and write down a name that was special to them. Brian volunteered Samantha Peck, and she wrote down a name. The name was put in a box and placed on a table with a tablecloth. After she put the box on the table it started to elevate! After the table elevated, he then guessed the name that Samantha wrote on the paper by spray painting the name on a sheet hanging in the gym. He guessed the name correctly, which was Jeffrey. 
Brian was asked, “What inspired you to become an illusionist?” He replied “ Well, I’ve always wanted to be an illusionist, and I followed through with the dream I had while attending college.” Neva Patrick was responsible for bringing the idea and message to Mr. Holbrooks attention. Brian came into our school and shared his story behind his illusions and message. Neva was asked, “What made you want to ask Mr. Holbrook to have an
illusionist come to Wynford?” She replied, “His illusions and message behind the illusions wouldn’t just interest people, they would have an effect on our students in a different way than other assemblies would.” Neva thought Brian’s illusions and message were amazing. She said, “His performance was amazing, I am really excited to see him do another performance at church tonight.” The story behind Brian’s illusions were to make good choices and to not go along with whatever anyone says or asks you to do. The choices you make as an individual will not only affect you, but many others as well.

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